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 Felix Greco / SeaMonkeys / religion

Sea Monkey Religion

Sea Monkey culture is strongly based on religion. Due to the telepathic nature of the species, old memories are contained within the collective mind. However, these memories become distorted with time due to new perceptions and attitudes. As a result, the line between history and mythology is blurred. Sea Monkey gods are numerous and perform many functions.


Sea Monkey priests can be distinguished by thier robes. This caste forms the Sea Monkey leadership. A select few are made members of the Court of Great Minds. This court is made of an unknown number of priests who’s telepathic communication is isolated from the collective. Preists are forbidden to speak of the Court to outsiders. However, current theories by human researchers suggest that there is a link between the Venerated Wise (see physiology: reproduction) and the Sea Monkey gods. Venerated Wise that are considered gods may require the priest of thier hatchery to act as their liasons and may explain the ability of these priests to cut-off their psychic abilities from the community.


Since the Sea Monkey culture is strongly based in mythology, homage is always paid to the appropriate god. Icons please the god they serve and inspire great deeds by the Sea Monkeys. Known Sea Monkey gods and Icons are listed below.

   Iblug, The Father of Brave Heroes Iblug was one of the first Sea Monkeys to fight a foe out of the sea. Many aerospace fighters often bear his icon.

   MenoMeno, the Bringer of Giant Prawn Giant Prawn are very important in Sea Monkey society. MenoMeno is credited as the god that brought this gift to the Sea Monkeys. His icon is carried by many prawn cavalry members.

Building note: If you would like to make a Sea Monkey creation, feel free to invent a new god and create an icon and history. With the creators permission and compareable size picture, the information will be published on this page. Icons can be in the form decorated elements, totems, Bionicle masks, or whatever the god demands.

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