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 David V. Winkler / sculpture / sittingMan /

The Sitting Man sculpture was based on a model from the commercial package Poser. I then used software that I developed to translate this human figure into slices and then into Lego plans. These Lego plans were then iteratively adjusted to match the exact number of Legos that I had at home when I started the project.

The Legos that I had on hand were:

//            1x1    1x2    1x3    1x4    1x6    1x8   2x2    2x3    2x4   2x6
Blue          518   2423    359   1546    248      7  1082   1835     96   5
Green         357   1766     15    274     28      0   793    142   1077   0
Black         677    541     76    881   1085     28   863    211     75   1
Red          5542   2909   2329   1663    157    936  1173   1152    727   223
White         328    563   1203    661     95     58  1359     22     65   29
Yellow        437   1747      1    838    247    274  2111   1091    757   1456

I tried to fit the model into 90% of each of these.

The final model used:

// count   1x1   1x2   1x3   1x4   1x6   1x8   2x2   2x3   2x4   2x6
Red        390   265   260    90    47    14    12    38    20    46
Yellow     378   872     0   741   190   237   236   961   434   271

My roommate went on vacation. This was the perfect opportunity to take over the living room for building. A week later and a full season of CSI Miami and King of the Hill, and I had the sitting man.

Like all of my sculptures, this model is hollow.

back side

Eric Raptosh visited Seattle in February 2006. He took photos of the Sitting Man sculpture in my living room:
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