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A Short Discussion of Caeric Weapons

by Kian Gxi

   “Hello my name is Kian Gxi. I studied weaponry at the Ixi Academy, and graduated top of my class! I’d like to tell you about the different weapons Caers use, some may be very different from ones you might use.. some very similiar. I believe the purpose of this site is to inform about important issues during the formative years of the Caeric Revolutionary War (900-905). I believe weaponry is a vital part of such a discussion.”
The Short Sword
   “The most popular Caeric weapon is the short sword. It is versatile, being both light weight but fairly strong. It comes in two varieties. The first is the Minola sword, to your left. Mass produced by Minola Weapons, it is comparitively weak to the Fine Sword. Fine swords are those crafted by blacksmiths, such as Rikly in Coplton and Keir in Glen Caer.”
   “The next popular sword is the Lonsan Sword, brought by the Lonsan invaders almost fifty years ago. Many continental Caers have adopted it. It is lighter and sharper than the Short Sword, but doesn’t work well at all against strong armor or shields. It’s best as a fencing weapon.”
   “In Qinxu the most common sword is the Ixi Sword. Developed by Ixi swordsmasters, it is much longer and stronger than the short sword. However it is heavier, which allows it to be useful against armor, but can inhibit its use.”
Longsword or Broadsword
   “The Durg primarily use Longswords. These are much heavier than any other sword, so much that only specially trained people can use them. Durgs are stronger than your average Caer, so they are typical users. Durgs also like the added length, which allows them to attack warriors on foot while they ride horseback.”
   “My particular favorite is the Hacksword, a cross between axe and a sword. This one was made for me personally by Smithy Rikly.”
Battleaxe and Halberd
   “Many Caers also use battleaxes. The two here are the Halberd (L) and Battleaxe (R). Halberds are heavier, but longer, and again used more by Durgans. Battleaxes are quite common amongst ordinary Caers, because it can be quite useful as a farming tool.”
   “Another important axe weapon is the Handaxe. Mostly only poorer Caers, who cannot afford proper weapons, use handaxes. However, handaxes can be quite deadly against shields and armor.”
Spear and Pike
   “Continuing with the long weapons, we have Pikes and Spears. Pikes are often used as weapons against Durgans, being the opposite of the halberd in this respect. Spears are quite useful and common, and the preferred weapon amongst armies that standardize their troops.”
Bow and Crossbow
   “Many Caers use bows in hunting, which convert nicely into weapons, especially against Durgans. The Lonsans have introduced the crossbow, which although weaker than the bow, can be used with greater efficiency. I believe the Northern Army utilizes many of these.”
Gunpowder Weapons
   “The most important innovation brough in by the Lonsans has been gunpowder. Here we see the two main gunpowder weapons, the Musket and Rifled Musket (or rifle). They are generally light weight, have twice the range and impact as an arrow, but a little less of efficiency. They take twice as long to reload as a crossbow. In the hands of an unexperienced user, a musket might blow up in your face.

Most Caers steer clear of gunpowder, giving the advantage to the Lonsans, especially in the form of the Northern Army, which utilizes special rifle and musket troops. Gunpowder has been outlawed to Copecaers since 879. However, notably both Melkya Miyamoto and Melkya Isabel have begun trainging and arming riflemen, although not with the efficiency or power as the Lonsans.

Of all these weapons, I believe the gunpowder to be the most important to effect the outcome of the War.”

   “Here are all the weapons that I’ve discussed. There are still many; Caers are nothing if not creative about their warfare. I think the most common besides these are simply rods and sticks, used as blunt weapons. Notably Mel Tomas of the Black Falcon Clan uses a rod. I hope this discussion has been enlightening.”

Kian Gxi was Valedictorian in his class at the Ixi Academy, and has been leading the Cairn Firriney Rebellion ever since. He has written a large number of tracts about the nature of freedom as well as Caeric weapons and their battlefield use, especially in guerilla warfare.

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