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 Matt Hein / Journal / WeekOne /

Week One; A prelude to it all...

It was a time when I was belligerant, brash and inexperienced in the ways of the Draken. It was a time of corruption, ignorance and vice, and I was caught in it all...yet another faceless player in our world in which we call ‘home’. This was my final summer in Lucaria West, and I had just recently received the honors of being merited to the squad of the Legendary Dash Dracon, who was lead comander of the 158th regiment of the Draken at that time. But enough about introductions, I am documenting my experiences here in case someone reads this in the near future. The world is nothing more than a plot, engineered by those minds who hold the keys to power. I think this is unjust, and my personal crusade to stop the corruption only led me to a deeper understanding of our existance. Please, if anyone could just listen to me... take heart and read on...

Week One, a prelude to it all...

I was still in the Draken Headquarters office in the late hours of the night, sipping some coffee to fight the fatigue that always seemed to accompany the late hours of our reconissance shifts. Still typing away at my computer, I didn’t notice that the second moon had already rose into the night sky, or that I had even spilled my coffee on the office rug. Guess I was too busy to notice anything that night.

“Osprey, eh? Still working the night shift, eh?” A familiar voice spoke, as I turned quickly around to notice the coffee stain on my burlap pants.

“Guess you caught me again...” I said, as I looked to see an acquaintence of mine, Kariss, stand by the entrance to my office cubicle, a messy escape from the hectic halls of the Draken Headquarters. The moonlight silently poured into the room, and illuminated my cracked coffee mug on the ground, set askew with other articles and boxes among the floor. Kariss looked lovely that night, all dressed up for the occasion, and I had just barely forgotten it was our anniversary. Well, she had remembered, and as always, I had to come up with some sort of excuse to get away from this. As you know, I wasn’t like Dash when it came to dating the chicks. The last time I had escorted a girl to the dancing floor, I ended up face first into the refreshment table after I slipped on the waxed floor. What a mess.

“Er...Kariss...nice to see you again...about the anniversary, you see, I have a deadline and...” I spoke, my voice suddenly thrown out or proportion.

“It can wait...” Kariss said in her soft voice, as she beckoned me closer.

“What do you want?” I asked, reaching for my wallet, as I flipped through my credits, hoping I still had some funds available to survive the night without another embarassing scene.

“What do you think, Osprey?” Kariss asked, as she smiled, somewhat darkly. I had a bad feeling, but I had to shrug it off...instincts always failed me whenever I went out, so I guess I told that voice in my head to shut up for once. I was going to make this work. Luckily...

“Well then... guess I can get back to this tomorrow...” I spoke, as I turned off my computer, and headed out of my cubicle. That was no place for anyone except me, for you see, my office was a mess, and I remember my friend Dash saying once that your home reflects your spirit, or something like that...My office was a mess, and so was my social life. Maybe he was right, you know...

So anyway, we headed away for the office for once, and started out of the main hall, its old walls lined with oak doors, ornamtneted statues, and windows, the moon shining upon the waxed marble floor to cast illuminescence upon the walkway.

“You know, Osprey...I thought you forgot about the whole thing... why are you so wrapped up in work anyway?” Kariss asked, as she looked towards me with her patented “concerned look”.

“ know, duty calls...” I replied, trying to find a way out of this mess...

“Duty can wait...” She replied, as she pulled out a flyer from her black leather jacket.

“I was reading about this new club here...they have breakdancing and everything...I was wondering If you want to try it out, It will be so much fun, I promise!” Kariss laughed, as I took the flyer into hand and read it.

Fun?” I thought as I could imagine flying headfirst into the deejay stand or a crowd of angry mobsters. “No thank you!” But I knew what she would say if I suggested something else or winped out. Heck, I could hear her now.

Osprey, why can’t you be just like everyone else and just try something new? Are you scared or something. come on! Dash Dracon wouldn’t wimp out! Are you listening to me! Get those stupid headphones off your ears. Osprey!!!

“Osprey?” Kariss asked, as she gave me a funny look. “Did you hear a word I said?” She asked, as she opened the glass doors, and stepped outside into the cool air.

“Of course...” I replied, as I looked into the sky, and realized that the I was going to have a lot on my mind for the next hour...

Osprey! Isn’t this fun?!” Kariss asked, as she grabbed my arm, and spun me around, nearly tossing me towards a lamp.

Oh yeah, lots of fun...” I said sarcastically, as I tried to regain my balance, and noticed that a small group of people were beginning to congregate by the bar. Several of them began to laugh, as they pointed towards me, and one of them went far enough as to hold up a small paper sign with a 10 written on it.

Oh great...even the locals have to jump in...” I thought, as Kariss grabbed my arm again. I knew this was going to be a long night...

“Isse loc liden” I thought. That’s runic for, - Call the medic! -

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