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lugnet.robotics.vll– Focused discussion group for LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ Visible Light Link™ (VLL™) protocol and API: in-depth technical discussions, troubleshooting, code development, legal/patent issues, fiber-optics, light sensors, etc.

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  Re: Does RIS2.0 set use the fiber optics cable?
(...) Cool thing - even though I can only run Windows in a window (sic), it sounds useful to to something with these old semi-intelligent bricks. I've googled a bit and found this updated link: (URL) has got the old contents there for winvll - funny (...) (13 years ago, 10-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.vll)
  Barcodes for CodePilot
As I announced recently in another thread, I have modified the MicroScout transparency file from (URL) in order to print out all of the CodePilot barcodes on one letter sized sheet of paper. It can be found at (URL). I just thought I should mention (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-04, to lugnet.robotics.vll)
  RE: Scout connected to Code Pilot with Fiber Optics
I have connected both a RCX and a CyberMaster to a CodePilot (and also to a MicroScout). I don't remember if I tried connecting also a Spybotics, but I think it work too. CodePilot accepts VLL codes but only the *Batch* VLL Commands, to make a VLL (...) (20 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.codepilot, lugnet.robotics.vll, lugnet.robotics.microscout)
  Re: Does RIS2.0 set use the fiber optics cable?
(...) The USB tower can be connected to the Scout and MicroScout bricks with the FO light tube contained in the RIS2.0 set. Have a look at WinVLL: (URL) (20 years ago, 6-Jan-04, to lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.robotics.vll)

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