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Subscribe as mailing list– Focused discussion group for JVM/Java™/Jini™ firmware or software for the LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ RIS: in-depth technical discussions, collaboration, planning, architecture, analysis, release schedules, problem reports, success stories, etc.

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  help on lejos\rcxcomm
Hello, I try to launch the example read/write PC<->RCX. The RCX part (Read) is compiled and downloaded. But I don't managed to the PC's part (write). It compiles with lejosjc.bat. But with java.exe, the following error message appears : ---...--- (...) (18 years ago, 11-Oct-06, to
  New navigation API for LeJOS
Hello Paul, first of all, thank you very much for providing LeJOS. I am a member of the project team for the master courses at the University of Applied Studies and Research in Wernigerode, Germany (Hochschule Harz). In our project thesis we decided (...) (18 years ago, 27-Sep-06, to
  Re: Port to NXT?
(...) There is a sort-of port available on now: (...) Apparently, the API uses existing firmware functionality to control the NXT brick from the host computer using Java, it's not a proper Java VM for local execution. There is (...) (18 years ago, 11-Sep-06, to
  Port to NXT?
Anyone know when Lejos will be ported to the NXT? Just got my kit and looking forward to it! (18 years ago, 9-Aug-06, to

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