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Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 22:43:25 GMT
6481 times
In lugnet.robotics, Matthew Miller writes:
Richard Earley <> wrote:
But that requires timing on the part of the computer. A simple display of a
bar code could also be posted to a web page for access by all....

Couldn't you use an animated gif?

I just tried this by modifying the PS barcode maker Doug Eaton posted.  I made
one 'bar' and one 'space' as a 256x256 GIF and merged them with gifmerge as
directed by Doug's PS (plus all space lead-in/lead-out).  I played this back at
various speeds with xanim, and none of them triggered my microscout (with the
brightness at 100% and the microscout against the screen).  With my monitor's
60Hz refresh I have to slow it down a bit to make sure the animation speed
dominates rather than the monitor refresh rate.

VLL from the scout is transmitted much faster than a monitor could (without a
dedicated driver of some sort).  It also only works if the bright red LED is at
point-blank range to the microscout's input (my LEGO fiber optics haven't
arrived yet, curses).

If someone could make this work it would be trivial to put up a CGI script that
let people enter scripts and get back a GIF which would program their
microscout.  I don't think monitor brightness is going to be sufficient,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO
The usual caveats with respect to refresh timing apply to all suggestions about displaying something on a computer screen. Think about watching a picture of a TV set on TV. The image seems to creep and only part of it is displayed at any given time. (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO
(...) Couldn't you use an animated gif? (24 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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