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 Robotics / 9932
    Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Doug Eaton (11-Jan-00)
        Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Richard Earley (11-Jan-00)
         Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Russell Nelson (11-Jan-00)
         Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Richard Earley (11-Jan-00)
         Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Matthew Miller (11-Jan-00)
          Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Ben Jackson (11-Jan-00)
          Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Doug Eaton (12-Jan-00)
         Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Russell Nelson (11-Jan-00)
         Re: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO —Brian Johnson (11-Jan-00)
        VLL Transmit for RCX (was: Micro Scout programming with VLL bar code: HOWTO) —Ben Jackson (13-Jan-00)

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