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 Robotics / 10016
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Re: Ping-Pong Ball Shooter
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 00:22:57 GMT
Pete Sevcik <>
830 times
I have used the old style motor to shoot 3/8 inch wooden balls with a
range of 2-3 feet.
Used about a 2 inch shaft attached directly to the motor to bat the balls.

The shaft made 3/4 of a revolution before hitting the ball, then it hit a
hard stop.
The motor was then reversed to hit a hard stop and load the next ball.
In less than one revolution this motor picked up enough speed for a good
The mass of the ping-pong ball is similar to my wooden ball, so I would
expect about the same distance.
This design was easy to build into an autoloader that would shoot about
one ball per second.

Pete Sevcik
Techno-stuff Robotics
Robotics for FUN !

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