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 Marketplace / Shipping /
Shipping Rate Calculators

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  Re: No surface main to Spain?
(...) I should have said First Class international is the cheapest way, Priority is also abailable, but they both go air. John P (16 years ago, 15-Dec-07, to
  Re: No surface main to Spain?
(...) There is no more ground shipping to ANY country from the US. International Priority mail is usually the least expensive and there is also flat rates to most foreign countries if not all. Flat rate does have a maximum weight. This all happened (...) (16 years ago, 15-Dec-07, to
  Re: No surface main to Spain?
(...) Very doubtful. I once did a trade with someone in the UK, sending him ~$20 worth of action figures (box about the size of a six-stud tub, but not a lot of weight). UPS only offered Worldwide Expedited, with a $30 pricetag attached. USPS (...) (16 years ago, 14-Dec-07, to, FTX)
  Re: No surface main to Spain?
(...) You didn't miss anything but the weight limit. First class is _still_ available for shipment to Spain (you can find it if you click on the "Rate charts and complete information for Spain" link and scroll down towards the bottom), but it maxes (...) (16 years ago, 14-Dec-07, to

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