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 Games / LEGO Media / LEGO Friends /

Available at

$29.99 LEGO Friends CD-ROM

More Info:

Official LEGO Media International Website

Official LEGO Online Catalog

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  Re: I got a Friends demo CD in the mail
(...) I have the full version. We tried it last night on our Mac through Virtual PC. It ran fine (mostly). I think the concept of an audio/performance construction kit is neat. The girls' dialogue however, was disappointing. A very weak and (IMO) (...) (24 years ago, 25-Dec-99, to
  Re: I got a Friends demo CD in the mail
Taya's playing with the real thing as I type this. Seems OK, I guess. Very not at all brick related, but we knew that. So far it hasn't repeated a sequence, stuff seems to be happening, so I guess it's like an interactive adventure of sorts. (24 years ago, 25-Dec-99, to
  Re: I got a Friends demo CD in the mail
I bought it for my 7 yr old Daughter for Christmas, on the grounds that she likes Scala and is into pop music in a big way. Its also fairly unusual to find games for kids that are not drawing/painting/story books/adventure type things, so it should (...) (24 years ago, 26-Nov-99, to
  Re: I got a Friends demo CD in the mail
(...) Only sort of. I mean, they're only sort-of Scala characters. I'm not making any comment on the mouthiness part. The characters do not directly represent any Scala doll I've seen. Heck, they're multi-racial. Scala doesn't do that! (...) I'm (...) (24 years ago, 25-Nov-99, to

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