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 Database / Set Inventories / *2463 (-10)
  Lego use for Package Tracking Firefox Extension
I was browsing the extensions gallery for the Mozilla Firefox browser when I came across something interesting. There was an extension that would add a "track package" option to the right-click menu, automatically recognizing what courier the (...) (17 years ago, 16-Mar-07, to lugnet.general, lugnet.db.inv,
  Re: Peeron Memory Upgrade
(...) Hi Dan, Yes, it does seem quite a bit faster for me when I search. Looks like the upgrade was definitely effective! Kelly (17 years ago, 4-Feb-07, to lugnet.db.inv, FTX)
  Re: Peeron Memory Upgrade
(...) I'd like to thank everyone who donated - the server has been upgraded, and hopefully, it's noticeably faster now! Dan (17 years ago, 4-Feb-07, to lugnet.db.inv, FTX)  
  Re: Peeron Memory Upgrade
(...) From what I've seen the goal has been reached in less than 24 hours...and probably, that's my personal guess, in a very few hours. That's, IMO, not surprising, because the initial amount of 400$ is pretty low and because both Dan as a person & (...) (17 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv, FTX)
  Re: Peeron Memory Upgrade
(...) According to the donation page, it looks like you've already hit your goal! That's pretty impressive, considering that the percentage chart was only at 2% when I donated a couple of days ago. David "Fuzzy" Gregory (17 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv, FTX)
  Peeron Memory Upgrade
Peeron has been growing by leaps and bounds since our last major upgrade two years ago - especially after the instruction scan library was moved from (URL) to (URL) PICSL>. While this is great news many of you will have noticed that recently we have (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jan-07, to lugnet.announce.peeron, lugnet.db.inv, FTX) !! 
  Re: Peeron fight
(...) Not a public one, at least not yet. There is a private one, used by a few apps. (17 years ago, 17-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv)
  Re: Peeron fight
Does Peeron have a public API, like an XML-based web service? (17 years ago, 17-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv)
  Re: Peeron fight
(...) Yes, it slurps the html pages and tries to parse them. I won't comment on what I think about parsing HTML ;) (17 years ago, 17-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv)
  Re: Peeron fight
(...) And the Peeron version allows you to specify parts that you own rather than just sets. So if you got some stuff at Pick-A-Brick or BrickLink, you have the option of acknowledging that you have it. Handy in terms of being able to pick your list (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jan-07, to lugnet.db.inv)

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