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 Castle / 3064
3063  |  3065
Re: Survey...
Sat, 4 Mar 2000 07:25:59 GMT
1395 times
Shiri wrote in message ...
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter...

1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle?


2. Are you a male?


3. Are you over 18?


4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for?

Hmm... I can't remember! <g> I think it was probably either:

a.) 6090,
b.) 6080,
c.) 6085, or
d.) 6086

I haven't gotten my hands on any 6091's yet, so maybe that set will be the
most expensive.

5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (ever)?

See the above question; I'm not really sure.

6. Do you have a webpage of your castle creations?

Well, I have built one, but when it comes to uploading, FTPing, HTMLing,
etc., I'm not the most adroit fella' around... Plus time is limited in the
wonderful world of DBR :-)

(I guess that means: "someday")

7. What is your favorite castle set ever?

Definitely a tie between 6059 and 6081. I own several (5) 6059's, and two
6081's. I had them all joined in a big circle once... Their (the Crusaders')
army was invincible for a time ;-)

There's also a soft spot for 6077 residing on me, I think...

Message is in Reply To:
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter... 1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle? 2. Are you a male? 3. Are you over 18? 4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for? 5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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