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 Castle / 2561
2560  |  2562
Re: Survey...
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 15:19:29 GMT
1394 times
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter...
1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle?

Nope, but within the next month or two I may have 2 of them!

2. Are you a male?


3. Are you over 18?


4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for?

Well, the last one I bought *retail* was King Leo's Castle (6091), but I also
bought a 2nd King's Mountain Fortress (6081) in an auction... And then I also
bought Dark Forest Fortress (#?) more recently, but I haven't recieved it
yet... So one of those 3, depending on how you interpret the question :)

5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (ever)?

Guarded Inn (6067)... I paid about... $150 I think? And to top it off the guy
who sold it to me accidentally included the WHITE princess hat instead of the
red one! (But I'm not complaining!)

6. Do you have a webpage of your castle creations?

Well, yes and no... when I've got enough creations, pictures, and the time, I
plan to finalize my very hastily put together Lego pages... so yes I HAVE
webpages, but nothing is static at the moment-- it's all due to change

7. What is your favorite castle set ever?

That's a toughie... I'd have to go with either King's Castle (6080) or
Guarded Inn (6067). But it's really tough to judge...


Message is in Reply To:
OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter... 1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle? 2. Are you a male? 3. Are you over 18? 4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for? 5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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