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 Castle / 2489
2488  |  2490
Re: Survey...
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 04:11:16 GMT
1446 times
1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle?


2. Are you a male?


3. Are you over 18?


4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for?

none, I havent bought any castle. I guess that the 6073 knights castle I had when I
was a kid counds.

5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (ever)?

see #4

6. Do you have a webpage of your castle creations?

Yes I do have a few castle ldraw dat files on my web page

7. What is your favorite castle set ever?

6073 knights castle and black falcons in general. Now if only someone could make
the black falcon torso and shield in ldraw my life would be complete :)

Jonathan Wilson

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OK, here's a survey for lugnet.castle. Please reply to this letter... 1. Do you have 375, the Yellow Castle? 2. Are you a male? 3. Are you over 18? 4. What is the last castle set you paid over $50 for? 5. What's the castle set you paid the most for (...) (24 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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