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lugnet.adventurers– LEGO SYSTEM® Adventurers™: products (information, opinions, reviews, etc.); building (settings, contexts, characters, projects, models, layouts, plans, tools, tips, etc.); inspiration (ideas, movies, books, literature, magazines, music, historical events, etc., as they relate to Adventurers); etc.

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  Re: Cthulego - The Burrower Brickneath.
(...) A bit of thread necromancy... but that model was worth the bump! Even after 5 years worth of advances in modeling, that plane still rocks. (13 years ago, 8-Jul-11, to lugnet.adventurers)
  Re: Cthulego - The Burrower Brickneath.
(...) Great piece of work! Play well, Jacob (13 years ago, 8-Jul-11, to lugnet.adventurers)
  4x2ReVu: 7326 Rise of the Sphinx
"What's that, Morty? No snappy comeback? How unlike you." Johnson Brewer didn't bother wiping the killing dagger off, but simply threw it on the chamber floor, the inert body of Mortimus Drew spilling the last of his life blood over the scorpion (...) (13 years ago, 31-Jan-11, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general,, FTX) ! 
  Re: 4x2ReVu: 7306 Golden Staff Guardians
(...) I figured that the (URL) brown stains> were oil from working on his motorcycle, but they could indeed be maple syrup from Waffle House pancakes, slobbery dribbles from chewing Skoal or even rust spots from the shirt lying on the floorboard of (...) (13 years ago, 22-Dec-10, to, lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

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