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 Primo / *31 (-5)
  Re: Jon Palmer and Richard Marchetti banished to the Phantom Zone
(...) "Profanity is the parlance of the fool. Why curse when we have such a magnificent language with which to discourse?" -Theodore Roosevelt, United States of America's 26th President I've left other forums on cause of profanity and vulgarity. I'm (...) (20 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo, lugnet.general)
  Jon Palmer and Richard Marchetti banished to the Phantom Zone
(...) I swoop down from yonder mountain top on my Mecha to dispense justice for all. Jon Palmer and Richard Marchetti are hearby banished to .duplo and .primo respectively for the period of no less than 24 hours as is custom here on LUGNET. They may (...) (20 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo, FTX)
  New baby sets
The pictures are all I can read here: (URL) interesting to me are the 5451 Musical Sea Mobile, and the 5450 Discovery Bird. Has anyone seen these in the US, or anywhere else? Thanks John (21 years ago, 18-Oct-03, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo)
  Re: LEGO Suggested Ages of Play
(...) Decide for yourself. One Step Ahead (and I'm sure other vendors) makes a simple choking hazard tester that's great for evaluating small toys. There are lots of Primo/Baby stacking toys available. Also, check out the new Explorer musical toys. (...) (22 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo)
  Re: Explore info pages up at
The available range is much more extensive today, but still not quite complete. The menus have been fixed up. Still no intelli-trains even though the Trains submenu has a "NEW!" tag affixed. Random things of interest in the new Explore sets: There (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo)

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