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Dave Boyle

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: mini-figs only, I give all the bricks to my 12 yr old ( well ok, I give him SOME of the mini-figs as well).

My fascination with LEGO began... With my son's first set at age 2.

Someday I will build... a human size mini-fig.

LEGO is great because... it's all about options.... it's a blank slate that ANYTHING you can dream up, can be!

LEGO fans are great because... They are interested in new ideas, new sets... and share info quite freely.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Barbapapa (1970's cartoon character + toy line)

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Monster movies of the 50's and 60's,

My favorite Foods: cajun and southern are where it's at!

My favorite Movies & TV: tv stinks - movies rule!

My favorite Music: Jimi Hendrix, Motorhead, Sabbath

Words which best describe me: Selectively lazy, hopelessly tense.

I love it when... You find just enough heads bodies and legs to make all your recently purchased mini-figs come out even!

I hate it when... My son decides he's going to raid my lego boxes!

I can't seem to get enough... 9volt electric parts

I always seem to have enough... weapons to arm a small country of lego men.

I hope I always... keep my collection evolving, and that my son retains his interest as well.

I wish I could... go back in time.

I could never... live without my toys.

I hope I never... go to prison (without my toys)

I wish I hadn't... let my little brother destroy my Adam 12 LunchBox.

Believe it or not... I am a grown man with a family and a real job.

If I were super-human... I would help fight crime and stop pollution

More & Less:
  • more technology, less less pollution
  • more respect for others, less hate crimes
  • more self control, less politicians

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Karma is real! What goes around, comes around.
  2. Always give what you can, don't worry about what you might get!
  3. Always try to do one "good deed" a day, AT LEAST!

Additional comments:

I am by no means a saint, far from a sinner... and no one has the right to judge me as either. A man can live alone, but only if his wife lets him. I am not afraid of dying, but I do believe that there are sharks in my bathtub.

Formal name:
Dave Boyle
Age: 57
Gender: M
Member Since: 1-Mar-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)



My Collection:
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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Dave Boyle and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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