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David A. Montoya

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Lego City and Space Systems from the mid 80's. I also started to get into the train systems.

My fascination with LEGO began... The first set that I can remember was the Universal Building Set, once my mom got me that, I was hooked :-)

I once built... I'm a bit of a Lego purist so I don't venture "out-of-the-box" too often, however, I was always up for taking all of the sets that I had and building my own cities.

Someday I will build... I want to take the time and create a Lego city with all the the "official" sets and then making my own custom additions (like an underground subway station).

LEGO is great because... it keeps the voices in my head quiet. <g>

LEGO fans are great because... they add to the voices in my head. <g>

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: most toys from the 80's

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: are varied and vast

My favorite Foods: most Italian dishes, and dishes that I cook on my own

My favorite Movies & TV: depends on the mood that I am in

My favorite Pets & Animals: would be my cat Sienna

Words which best describe me: you don't have enough space..... but the words original, smart, and funny will suffice.

I love it when... I get to the end of questionaires

I hate it when... I have to fill out long questionaires at 2am

I can't seem to get enough... of the Depeche Mode song, "Just Can't Get Enough" go figure :-)

I always seem to have enough... time to play with legos

I hope I always... will have a long-assed questionaire to fill out

I wish I could... kill the person who wants to know all this information about me

I hope I never... See "I Wish I Could..." question

I wish I hadn't... See "I Wish I Could" question..." <g>

In my craziest moments... again..... See "I Wish I Could..."

Believe it or not... I've been to a Ripliey's Museum, the one in Hong Kong

If I were super-human... I would use my super-powers <g>

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Live Fast
  2. Die Young
  3. Leave a Nice Corpse

Formal name:
David A. Montoya
Member Since: 1-Jan-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)



Personal site:
The Castle
My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © David A. Montoya and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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