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Justin Bursch

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Castle, Pirate, Train, Town, Wild West

My fascination with LEGO began... in the womb! No, but seriously folks, I've loved Lego ever since I inherited a bucket of plain red bricks (hand-me-downs) at the ripe old age of three!

I once built... a five foot long mobile home out of basic parts (I was probably about five at the time) for my town minifigs. (I think they took it on a cross country tour!)

Someday I will build... huge landscapes based on the theme(s) to be set in them.

LEGO is great because... it is a flexible and (I'm sure some people would disagree with me here) relatively inexpensive medium in which I can express my thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Oh yeah, did I mention that playing with LEGO toys is also FUN!!!!

LEGO fans are great because... regardless of age, gender, nationality, or creed, we are all bound by a common thread; an impetus that drives us to collect and/or create new things and push the boundaries of our imaginations. LEGO fans also happen to be some of the friendliest people on the planet!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Transformers (from the '80s) and Model Trains

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: playing guitar, bass, and piano, gardening, writing, programming, web design, and daydreaming

My favorite Foods: Mmmm! Did someone say food?! No favorite dish, but I love Mexican food!

My favorite Movies & TV: Beetlejuice, just about every Mel Brooks movie, and the Matrix. TV? Don't watch much.

My favorite Artists: Winslow Homer, Michaelangelo, and Bob Ross

My favorite Music: Jazz, Rock (Frank Zappa is my favorite), and Classical

Words which best describe me: thoughtful, aware, creative, resourceful, sincere

I love it when... things all work out at the last minute when you were expecting the worst.

I hate it when... I miss opportunities because I hesitated even though I knew what I really wanted.

I can't seem to get enough... LEGO, of course!!

I always seem to have enough... work to keep me busy for the rest of my life (even if I live to be 150!).

I hope I always... follow my heart and my vision and stay focused.

I wish I could... visit the distant past.

I could never... do anything solely for financial gain.

I hope I never... stop trying to improve the world in which we live.

I wish I hadn't... stopped collecting LEGO when I was in high school (yep, I went through the LEGO dark ages too!).

In my craziest moments... I surprise everyone (except myself, of course).

If I were super-human... hmmm... I don't think I've got enough space for this one.

More & Less:
  • more cooperation, less selfishness
  • more generosity, less greed
  • more recycling, less waste

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Don't let other people tell you what YOU are capable of.
  2. Try to always be fair and see all sides of a situation.
  3. Be honest with people (including yourself).

Additional comments:

Hello all.

I don't have much to say right now, but look for me in the newsgroups!

Take care and play well!!

Justin (legoslug)

Formal name:
Mr. Justin Samuel Bursch
Gender: M
Member Since: 20-Sep-2000

United States of America (U.S.A.)




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