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David McCants

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Star Wars and space

My fascination with LEGO began... The first time my pops brought home a set, i think i was 6

I once built... with complete disregard for color scheme, thankfully the habit has abated

Someday I will build... myself out of house and home

LEGO is great because... you can make any toy you ever imagined

LEGO fans are great because... dorks of a feather...

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: do those exist?

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: graphic design, backpacking, movies, dorkie stuff

My favorite Foods: generic cuisine: mexican, italian, americana

My favorite Movies & TV: action, comedy, and scifi, no thank you to drama

My favorite Artists: kandinsky, gorky, cezanne

My favorite Music: mostly jazz, particularly grant green, david holmes is pretty sweet too

My favorite Pets & Animals: only plants, to young for the responsibility of pets

Words which best describe me: the quiet type

I love it when... it rains, this desert (tucson) is drying me out man

I hate it when... that would be summers in the desert!

I can't seem to get enough... uuum, legos?

I always seem to have enough... certainly not legos, maybe cynicism?

I hope I always... that's a hard one, i'll get back to you

I wish I could... live my life in complete tranquility, but if wishes were horses, i'd have a freakin' stable

I could never... understand the appeal of filling out all these blanks, yet here i am

I hope I never... lose my sight

I wish I hadn't... i'm not sure how old the kids are looking at this stuff, so i'll just resign myself to silence on this one

In my craziest moments... my wife despises me!

Believe it or not... i'm walking on air

If I were super-human... the shoveller

More & Less:
  • more naivete, less cynicism (personal goal
  • more vision, less dischord
  • more prosperity, less poverty

Rules I try to live by:
  1. moderation in all things (legos are a difficulty)
  2. be true to my wife and family
  3. be as nice as possible without getting crapped on

Formal name:
David G. McCants
Age: 47
Member Since: 1-Mar-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)


South Carolina

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © David McCants and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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