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Len W. Brown

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: I love technically oriented sets, like Technics and Mindstorms. I'm 32 years old, with a degree in computer programming, so LEGO is my real-world extension of what I do on my computer - use basic building blocks to construct functional and useful things.

My fascination with LEGO began... Back when I was 7 or 8 years old. My parents bought me a Loc Blocks's Mickey Mouse Magic Kingdom set. It was awesome. Then they bought me some LEGO sets and I totally enjoyed building my own toys out of them. Now, twenty years later, I'm back into the fun.

I once built... A motor-controlled webcam platform. I interfaced it with my computer so when my webcam was broadcasting I could use keyboard commands to control the webcam - moving it up and down and from side to side and even adjust the focus ring, all with LEGO's.

Someday I will build... I really want to build something like the Roomba. The Roomba is a robotic vacuum. I want to build a bot that acts very much like a pet. It will scurry across the floor, make funny noises, react to light and sound, and can back itself onto a platform to recharge itself. It is really not that hard to do, but I have some really unique ideas of how I want it to look.

LEGO is great because... Unlike any other toy in the world, LEGO lets me build anything I can possibly imagine. No other toy has ever given me the amount of freedom to express myself as the LEGO brand has.

LEGO fans are great because... Well, this one I can only base on myself. I'm a LEGO fan and I am a fan because I love using my mind to solve new and interesting problems. That is what I imagine is so great about other LEGO fans - they are problem solvers and not afraid to think.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Crystal Growing Kits, Sea Monkeys, Multiple Computers

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Computer Programming, PHP, MySQL, Web Design, Rare Houseplants

My favorite Foods: Raw White Mushrooms, Black Olives, Raw Broccoli with Veggie Dip, Avocados and Raw Lemons

My favorite Movies & TV: Queer As Folk, Daria, Futurama, and TechTV

My favorite Artists: Bob Ross (Who Else?)

My favorite Music: Dance, Freestyle, Electronica, Ecclectic, 80's Remixes

My favorite Pets & Animals: Sea Monkeys and a Cat named Buddy

Words which best describe me: Introverted, Antisocial, Intellectual, Distant but warm up quickly

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Honesty
  2. Integrity
  3. Perseverence

Additional comments:

Ok, all told, I'm a 32 year old single Gay white male. I live in a second story two bedroom apartment with sunny South-facing living room and bedroom windows.

I like leading a very simple life. I have a few good friends and am technically inclined. I enjoy my privacy and spend a lot of my free time on one or more of my multiple computers. I have a cat named Buddy and Sea Monkeys to keep me company.

I joined LUGNet because, as an adult, I've recently rediscovered how incredibly fun LEGO sets are. I purchased a Mars Expedition Rover set and a Space Shuttle Discovery set and a couple smaller sets over the last few weeks and have found them to be very relaxing and enjoyable.

I plan to soon purchase a couple robotics Mindstorms sets to play around with and write some modded code so that I can control them through Gentoo Linux (which is the operating system I use on most of my computers).

Formal name:
Mr. Len W. Brown
Age: 51
Gender: M
Member Since: 1-Mar-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)



Personal sites:
My Site, My Blog

Snail Mail:

Len W. Brown
2401 E 32nd St Ste 10
PMB 10-184
Joplin, Missouri  64804
United States of America

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Len W. Brown and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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