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Laura Saunders

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: bricks!

My fascination with LEGO began... with my first set as a kid

Someday I will build... everything i can think of

LEGO is great because... it's 3d

LEGO fans are great because... i'm not the only weirdo out there ;)

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: photoshop, dremel tool

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: animals, vegetables, and minerals..literally. that's odd!

My favorite Foods: sushi, pizza

My favorite Movies & TV: sci-fi, horror, the science channel

My favorite Music: nick cave, robyn hitchcock, jonathan richman

My favorite Pets & Animals: birds, creepy-crawlies, everything

Words which best describe me: weird, funny, kind (i hope)

I hate it when... i feel sick, sad, and tired

I can't seem to get enough... see my favorites, lego, energy

I always seem to have enough... birdseed on the floor

I hope I always... stand for what i believe in

I wish I could... have more energy

I hope I never... accept cruelty in any form

I wish I hadn't... done some stupid hurtful things

Believe it or not... i have pet leeches

If I were super-human... i wouldn't tell you ;)

More & Less:
  • more forethought, less oops!

Rules I try to live by:
  1. don't do to others what you wouldn't have done to you.
  2. keep trying
  3. protect the weak

Formal name:
Laura Lynne Saunders
Age: 54
Gender: F
Member Since: 1-May-2003

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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