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Tobbe Arnesson

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Technic

My fascination with LEGO began... ...when I was a kid. I did have a black period though. Mindstorms brought me back in the game.

I once built... Hercules airplane in scale 1:20. Two meters wingspan :)

Someday I will build... ...a remote controlled LEGO tank equiped with a paintball gun.

LEGO is great because... can build anything w/o the need of heavy machinery - and you don't have to change clothes before you start!

LEGO fans are great because... ...they share and build in peace!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Mountainbike, camera.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Body building, biking, skiing, running etc. etc.

My favorite Foods: Not too much but often.

My favorite Movies & TV: Red Dwarf, Scrapheap, Discovery channel and lot's of DVD.

My favorite Artists: Salvador Dali

My favorite Music: Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Metallica, KMFDM, Kraftwerk...

My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs

Words which best describe me: Carpe Diem.

I love it when... ...I build and creations appear in front of me that work very well.

I hate it when... ...I need to debug my creations.

I can't seem to get enough... ...fresh air, rainy walks and forrests.

I always seem to have enough... ...things to do.

I hope I always... ...can enjoy life in all it's glory.

I wish I could... ...go to New Zeeland and bungy!

I could never... ...hurt somebody I love.

I hope I never... ...stop learning.

I wish I hadn't... ...? I don't have any regrets.

In my craziest moments... life's a crazy moment :)

Believe it or not... ...but I don't spend _all_ my money on LEGO! :)

If I were super-human... ...I'd bring world peace, end starvation and put an end to misery.

More & Less:
  • more Technic, less Over specialized elements
  • more Off-Road biking, less Exhausts
  • more Love, less Hate

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Carpe Diem
  2. Do what's best for me and my loved ones
  3. Keep fit

Formal name:
Tobbe Arnesson
Age: 45
Gender: M
Member Since: 23-Oct-2002

Sverige (Sweden)

LEGO Users Group / Club: Swebrick
Personal site:
Snail Mail:

Tobbe Arnesson
Hyttvägen 19
770 12 Sunnansjö

My Collection:
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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Tobbe Arnesson and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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