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Larry Andersen

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Town Model Team Technic

My fascination with LEGO began... As a young boy when my grandfather brought Lego home from Denmark.

I once built... A monorail setup with over 100 feet of track

Someday I will build... A Lego town with railroads and monorails that covers my whole basement.

LEGO is great because... You can build whatever you want, any way you want.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Airplanes, Ultralights, Synths

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Roller Coasters, Flying, Diving

My favorite Foods: Almost anything spicy

My favorite Movies & TV: Schwartzeneger flicks, Eastwood Spagetti Westerns

My favorite Artists: Pink Floyd, Bruce Springstein

My favorite Music: Rock, Heavy Metal, Industrial, Techno

My favorite Pets & Animals: Cats

Words which best describe me: Basement Troll

I love it when... a plan comes together

I hate it when... I discover I'm two pegs off on a model that's 4 feet long.

I can't seem to get enough... LEGO !!!

I hope I always... can play with my Lego

I wish I could... have Lego sell me any quantity of any part in any color that they make.

I could never... get tired of Lego

I hope I never... lose my Lego

I wish I hadn't... passed up all those great deals on Lego in the past.

In my craziest moments... I call up Shop-at-home and spend WAY too much money.

Believe it or not... I still can't build a working train switch actuator

If I were super-human... I wouldn't be human, would I?

More & Less:
  • more Love, less War
  • more Money, less Poverty
  • more Clean energy, less Polution

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Be nice to people
  2. Help where it's needed
  3. Niether a borrower nor a lender be.

Formal name:
Lawrence Patrick Andersen
Member Since: 7-Sep-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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