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Twan Theeuwen

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Castle, Star Wars, Trains.

My fascination with LEGO began... when I was a small kid.

I once built... a working railroad sign (red=stop, green=go) for my 12V train.

Someday I will build... a tower reaching from the floor to the ceiling.

LEGO is great because... of it's compatibility and versatility.

LEGO fans are great because... they are fan of Lego.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: None.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Travel, reading, cooking.

My favorite Foods: Indonesian, Italian.

My favorite Movies & TV: None.

My favorite Artists: Frank Zappa.

My favorite Music: Lots.

My favorite Pets & Animals: None.

Words which best describe me: Chaotic, creative, lazy, geeky.

I love it when... something funny happens.

I hate it when... injustice happens.

I can't seem to get enough... bricks, time.

I wish I could... perform magic.

I wish I hadn't... lost my childhood Lego.

In my craziest moments... anything may happen.

More & Less:
  • more peace., less war.
  • more love., less hate.
  • more co-operation., less competition.

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself.
  2. Don't follow leaders.
  3. Do well and don't look back.

Formal name:
Antonius W.T. Theeuwen
Age: 55
Gender: M
Member Since: 12-Jul-2002

Nederland (Netherlands)

My Collection:
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