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Jay Radke

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Town/Trains and old classic Space, or newer space that look classic in design.

My fascination with LEGO began... When I was about 5 and got my first universal sets. One with the hinged/flex arms and the blue universal set from the early '80s. I still have all the sets and parts from then, but not all the boxes.

I once built... I use to build town and space layouts with my friend on his pool table in his basement. It was great for underground space explorations!! I also made my own space shuttle that was the size of the Tech one. It was rather "boxy" but all those hinged arms from the older sets came in great for a Canada arm. I am sorry i didnt take any pics, but it wasnt too bad consider my lack of funds for pieces at the time. Around 10 years old then. I also tired creating a circus with lego. The problem was the animals. I ended up using old plastic toys. I should dig up the pics of that sometime.

Someday I will build... Well when i get enough room I will make one huge town layout with all my town and train sets. Hopefully it will include a circus area as well.

LEGO is great because... You can make anything you want with them.

LEGO fans are great because... They are!!!!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: None really

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Sports; football, curling, golf

My favorite Foods: beef

My favorite Movies & TV: any

My favorite Music: classical, jazz, rock

Formal name:
Mr. Jay R. Radke
Age: 50
Member Since: 21-Dec-1999

United States of America (U.S.A.)




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