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Maico Arts

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Technic Mindstorms ModelTeam

My fascination with LEGO began... For as long as I can remember

I once built... Garbage Truck of about 80 cm

Someday I will build... As long as it contains a lot of technic (gearbox, all-wheel drive)

LEGO is great because... It is so diverse

LEGO fans are great because... They all seem to understand each other...

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: MSX computers

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Aikido

My favorite Artists: Roxette, Sandra, Ace of Base

My favorite Music: Disco, Dance

I can't seem to get enough... Technic Lego, Money

I always seem to have enough... trouble...

I hope I always... will be able to play with LEGO

I wish I could... play with LEGO all day long

I could never... kill someone

I hope I never... die

Rules I try to live by:
  1. kalm aan, dan breekt het lijntje niet

Formal name:
Maico Arts
Age: 55
Gender: M
Member Since: 14-Oct-2001

Nederland (Netherlands)

LEGO Users Group / Club: de Bouwsteen
Personal site:
LEGO page behind Trimsalon 't Hok

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Maico Arts and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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