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 Marco Tagliaferri / History / 2004


What I did in 2004

(Reverse chronological)
(not yet complete)


  Hello everybody
Hello everybody, I'm new here. This is my first post. I started building Mecha about 9 month ago and the 22nd is the first that goes to public. It's named Primech because it's the first one that actually got a name. (2 URLs) The arms are inspired by (...) (19 years ago, 28-Jan-05, to, FTX)  


  Some of my older Mecha
I finally found time to review some of my older pictures taken during the last year. Here are some excerpts I'd like to share... (2 URLs) When I started with Scout I had the picture of an agressive fast animal in my mind. Something like a raptor. (...) (19 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to, FTX)


  Some of my older Mecha
I finally found time to review some of my older pictures taken during the last year. Here are some excerpts I'd like to share... (2 URLs) When I started with Scout I had the picture of an agressive fast animal in my mind. Something like a raptor. (...) (19 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to, FTX)


  Some of my older Mecha
I finally found time to review some of my older pictures taken during the last year. Here are some excerpts I'd like to share... (2 URLs) When I started with Scout I had the picture of an agressive fast animal in my mind. Something like a raptor. (...) (19 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to, FTX)




  Some of my older Mecha
I finally found time to review some of my older pictures taken during the last year. Here are some excerpts I'd like to share... (2 URLs) When I started with Scout I had the picture of an agressive fast animal in my mind. Something like a raptor. (...) (19 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to, FTX)
Primary content in this document is © Marco Tagliaferri. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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