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 Laura Hayden / village

A Medieval Village

Based on (my idea of) an English village in the 12th century, this village has no name (yet). The people who live here just call it home.

The local bishop happens to be the King’s brother, and both were born not far from our village, so the bishop convinced his brother to have a cathedral built here.

If you are interested in finding out more about the cathedral, go to my building page:

Most of the people who have moved to the village to get work at the building site live in small huts, with thatch roofs that reach to the ground and a back wall made of wattle and daub. A cape is sometimes hung in the doorway until a door can be made.

One of the village citizens is a sheep farmer and wool dealer and is wealthy enough to have a multi story house:

The sheep enjoy the plentiful grass and water to be found here:

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