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 Lenny McKee Hoffman / shadow /


The Shadow Squadron: five person flight squadron, using modified starfighters, specializing in difficult and sensitive missions. The pilots have special talents, from fighting to starfighter design.

Flight Leader

Osni Sohn, Jedi Knight. Leader of the eclectic group in an equally unique modified TIE fighter, the Broadsword. Osni defected from the Empire after the Battle of Endor with his TIE Interceptor, updating it with a shield generator, hyperdrive, seeker missiles, and even support for an R2 unit; truly taking the Seinar Fleet design and making it Rebel.

Soya Min. 2nd in command, developed the Ares C-Wing after several near death experiences in other starfighters. The cockpit is extra protected. Soya included a built in R2 droid that could also function as control brain for the ship, giving the Ares added strength and craftiness.

Duke Hotai. The eccentric Duke Hotai, who left a cushy lifestyle to be a fighter pilot for the Rebellion, only adds to the uniqueness of the Shadow Squadron. His personalized Delta X-Wing, adapted with spare parts from the Old Republic Jedi Delta starfighter, creates something even better from the mix.

Aemon Tohte. Aemon Tohte was a talented mechanic when he was discovered by the Rebel Alliance. When he began piloting for the Rebellion, it was only a small feat to transform his father’s I-Wing into something quite deadly today. The I-Wing Epsilon is known as one of the fastest and deadliest fighters in the galaxy.

Gjanakka. Gjanakka, one of the few Wookie Rebel Pilots, flies the modified A-Wing Azur, adapted with anti-sensor materials on the hull, updated blaster cannons, and special sensor jamming antennae. Gjanakka’s designs make the increasingly obsolete A-Wing updated and relevant.


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