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 Lenny McKee Hoffman / mm /

This is my personal place to load all the announcements and MOC’s pertaining to the Medieval Marketplace until the official website (which I have neither controll over, not the ability to use html) is actively being active. Or something like that.


Oh yeah, and I’m really bored right now, too.

Aaron Sneary: “Sidegate and Lonely Squirrel Inn”

James Brink: “Forestman Shop”

Leonard Hoffman (hey that name is familiar...): “Four Shops”

ACPin (Amado C. Pinlac): “Grand Auction at Dragonstern”

Nathan Todd: “Rare Items Co.“

Josh Wedin: “Town Market”

Erik Jensen: “Corsair’s Magical Creatures” “4-Tune Tella’s Shizzop”
Primary content in this document is © Lenny McKee Hoffman. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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