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 Todd Lehman / LittleShip /

Little Ship

Below is a little ship based on a family of three classic Space sets from the late 1970’s and asks the question “What If...”

Notice that the three official LEGO designs on the far right are similar but not identical. The Galaxy Explorer is the largest of the three, with the Space Cruiser filling the middle position and the Space Transport filling the smallest position.

The idea with the model below was to try to create a ship which was even smaller than the 918 Space Transport ship but which maintained the same general “look & feel” of the original three.

928/497 Galaxy Explorer

924/487 Space Cruiser

918 Space Transport

More about this model...

  Mythical fourth ship in 918/924/928 family
[moved here from lugnet.publish] (...) I decided I couldn't bear to suffer through the indecision of an April Fool's Day three years in a row. Although it might've been a decent AFD prank, I wouldn't've been able to live with myself if it'd worked (...) (25 years ago, 15-Feb-99, to  
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