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 Todd Lehman / ClassicSpaceContest / 2000 / Criteria

Design Criteria
  • Follow the original classic space color schemes as closely as possible. (Blue/Gray/Trans-Yellow, Gray/Trans-Green, White/Black/Trans-DarkBlue, etc.)

  • Follow the general design principles used in classic space sets. (It’s up to you to reverse-engineer the design principles and apply them here. :-)

  • Try to use only “period elements” -- elements which actually existed in 1978-1986. Use of more modern elements won’t disqualify you, but try to avoid them if possible. Your models will be more convincing with older elements.

  • Design and show alternative models using pieces from your main model! Remember the backs of boxes that said, “Build any of these exciting models with this set!”? See if you can come up with some neat alternative models.

  • Functionality is king! Go for ships that have compartments that launch reconaissance scouts or store equipment, bases that open up and do or store interesting things, medium-sized ships that splits into a detachable segments, etc. Come up with some cool stuff!
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