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 Technic / lube

Lubricating Lego Parts

Questions about lubricating Lego parts frequently arise and there are many different responses on the subject.

Reference Thread One: Lubricating technic turntables
  • Dry graphite was discussed as potential lubricant. No one disagreed that it would work, it would just be messy.
  • HO train gear-lubricant has been used before (read post)
  • Silicone oil has been used before (read post)
  • A quick note on hydrocarbon oils (read post)
  • Don’t use brake fluid on pneumatics (read post)
  • Lithium grease lubricant of choice by some (read post)

Reference Thread Two: Pnumatic stiff need oil?
  • Vegetable oil for non-pneumatic parts (read post)
  • Don’t Lube Pneumatics, also experience with Yomega Brain Lube (read post)
  • Ceramic grease (read post)

Other Posts:

  • After reading through all the threads, it is not conclusive which lubricant seems to be best. Dry graphite, used for locks, appears to be a suitable choice, if you don’t mind the mess. Lithium grease seemed to please some, but is very messy.

  • As always, use at your own risk. If you have any more questions, just post a message and ask. If you’ve had any further experience with lubrication, please post for the benefit of others. Your information will be added.

  • If your considering wax, there’s an interesting FAQ entry on the removal of wax from your bricks: Removing Wax FAQ Please read it before using wax.

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