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B-Wing and Modified A-Wing
Mon, 24 May 1999 12:51:37 GMT
1255 times
I have added a some pictures of a new B-Wing Model I just finished as well as
some updated pictures of my A-Wing Model to my web site.

The updates to the A-Wing are mostly to the cockpit using the new Naboo Fighter
cockpit canopy which is more prototypical.

I also included pictures of a B-Wing Docking/Maintenance bay that I designed.
This is in no way prototypical but more for display purposes seeing that
B-Wings are supposed to be stored in "Racks" and have no landing gear.

Anyway I wish I had a piece count that would allow me to build some bigger
models but until then I will probably stick with fighters.

Let me know what you think!!!


Visit me at:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: B-Wing and Modified A-Wing
Eric, could you post the dat file to Lugnet, or else put it on your site. I really want to try building it, but can't find the dat file anywhere. Thanks Ryan (...) Fighter (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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