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 Star Wars / 11034
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Star Wars Wreslting video, R2D2 & Darth Maul models....
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:02:47 GMT
1259 times
For anyone interested I made a Lego Studios movie, mixing Star Wars and
Wrestling...  also, I have a 15" high model of R2D2 and a model of Darth
Mauls head...

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Star Wars Wreslting video, R2D2 & Darth Maul models....
(...) Hehehe, that's a pretty good movie... :) I'm not a big fan of wrestling, but that was pretty amusing. The R2D2 sculpture was cool, and the Darth Maul one was sweeeeet. I also liked your Bond and Doctor Who stuff. Good stuff! (...) (23 years ago, 8-Mar-01, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Star Wars Wreslting video, R2D2 & Darth Maul models....
That was hilarious! I love the trash cans! "Marlon" <> wrote in message (...) (23 years ago, 8-Mar-01, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Star Wars Wreslting video, R2D2 & Darth Maul models....
(...) Those are all great, Marlon! I loved the wrestling video. The audio is a nice touch. and the trashcans and chairs were great. Joel J "bugs bugs bugs...." ;) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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