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Chef Averts Interstallar War
Newsgroups:, lugnet.aquazone
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 07:10:27 GMT
10011 times
In a bizarre turn of events, the chef of a hole-in-the-wall moonbase diner
ended an interstellar war just moments after it had been declared.  Chef
Greez E. Zpoon was suprised to find Sea Monkeys sitting at his diner,
getting quick bite to eat before obliterating all humanity.

"I gots somp-tin new on da menu I tink you boys is gonna like" Zpoon told
the armed soldiers.
"It was the best meal I had ever eaten!" declared Fifth Class Warmaker,
Gurblic.  "I was shocked when the chef told me it was Fleebnork."

Zpoon then took the Sea Monkey soldiers into his kitchen where he ended a
war by revealing his culinary secrets.

"First, stick da Fleebnork in da Extraction-Chamber"

"Next, set da extraction chamber for level 6, level 7 if you like it well done."

"Take da ting outta da ting and be careful, iz hot!"

"Afta dat, shell the ting and fry it with some garlic powda."

"Here, ya gonna love it."

And so, a war was ended before it began and a new meal was brought to the
Lugnet universe.

"We've actually stopped a few wars this way," stated Fifth Class Warmaker,
Gurblic. "You should taste Insectoids, they're delicious!"

Message has 1 Reply:
  Are Fleebnorks Toxic?
I thought fleebnorks are toxic? might check w/ the grand admiral on that... :-) -paul (...) (21 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to, lugnet.aquazone)

Message is in Reply To:
  Sea Monkeys declare war on
Dry-Lander Scum: We have tolerated enough insults to our Fleebnork allies... (URL) our watery wrath (following moderation): (URL) as we grow great armies by merely adding water! We come to life in minutes! The Sea Monkeys (21 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to, lugnet.aquazone) ! 

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