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 Robotics / Spybotics / *432 (-5)
  Re: Robolab and Spybotics
(...) I don't know if RoboLab will work with Spybotics, but if you have prior programming experience NQC may be a better option. It works great with Spybotics. Jetro (15 years ago, 26-Jan-09, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab, lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
  Robolab and Spybotics
Does anyone have any experience using Robolab with a Spybotics kit? I just got a couple of old Spybotics kits for my son this past Christmas and would love to program them with him using Robolab. I have lots of programming experience, although I am (...) (15 years ago, 26-Jan-09, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab, lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
  Re: LDraw model of Spybotics programmable brick
(...) Philo, Congratulations! This is a fantastic part! LDraw sure has come a long way since its humble beginnings, and the ground breaking work by James. Kevin (16 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to, lugnet.robotics.spybotics, FTX)
  Re: LDraw model of Spybotics programmable brick
(...) Hard to tell... I worked on it on and off during 15 days. I would say about 10 hours. Philo (16 years ago, 9-Jun-08, to, lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
  Re: LDraw model of Spybotics programmable brick
That is some seriously talented work! Can I ask how long it took you to create it? Scott (16 years ago, 9-Jun-08, to, lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

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