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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 4066
4065  |  4067
Lego USB Tower and the Linux Driver
Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:02:07 GMT
27447 times
An earlier thread [ ]
touched on changing the baud rate of the USB IR tower.  Based on what
information I have been able to find, it appears that at one time the Lego
USB driver for Linux did include the ability to change the baud rate and
other parameters  (similar to the capabilities available under Windows).

Apparently, though, there was an unresolved issue related to the licensing
of a vendreq.h file from Lego.  This file supported some of the
configuration abilities, but not all of them.  Unfortunately, though, when
vendreq.h was pulled out, it appears no distinction was made between the
configuration capabilities that depended on vendreq.h and those that did
not, and virtually all USB IR tower configuration capabilities were removed.
Or at least, based on what information is still out there that I can find,
that appears to be the story.  Don't hold me to it.  ;-)

Anyway, I have gone through the LegoUSB driver source files and separated
the functionality that uses vendreq.h from the functionality that does not
use vendreq.h.  The good news is, setting the baud rate and carrier
frequency are among the configuration capabilities that do not use
vendreq.h.  The flip side is that this was written for an earlier version of

I have uploaded these files to

Any Linux driver expertise out there?

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