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 Robotics / RCX / 2954
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Re: WeDo +RCX?
Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:48:20 GMT
24161 times
Jetro de Chateau wrote:
I saw the WeDo sensors and hub available separately on LEGO Education website
the other day and I started wondering if I could use them for anything... No one
appears to have tried or managed to use the hub without the official software
until now and I'm not about to pay money for an application I'm not really going
to use so I started thinking if the sensors might be used separately.

I have sucessfully written a third party app that will let you
drive the WeDo from your Windows machine. Linux will be supported
fairly easily once I get the driver relinked, Mac when I get a
Mac for development :-)

Contact me offlist if interested.


Message is in Reply To:
  WeDo +RCX?
I saw the WeDo sensors and hub available separately on LEGO Education website the other day and I started wondering if I could use them for anything... No one appears to have tried or managed to use the hub without the official software until now (...) (15 years ago, 9-Jul-09, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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