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 Robotics / 28011
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An RCX running on a Windows XP VM controlling a monorail train
Mon, 7 Mar 2022 04:49:16 GMT
4653 times
I set up my WinXP VM with BrixCC and connected one of my RCX's to my copperized
monorail track.

I wrote a quick NQC program that would control the speed and direction of the
monorail train via a rotation sensor connected to the RCX.

It's not as wonderful as Mark Reilly's LDCC but it works on a 'regular' RCX

Future state is for maybe 'public' control of one of the monorail loops at a

We'll see about that

Here's a vid-


There are deficiencies as discussed in the vid.  I'll work them out (hopefully)
and keep everyone here updated ;)

(Whoever is still coming here)

Dave K

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