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 Robotics / *48358 (-5)
  ROBOLAB 2.5.4C Patch
(...) Hello everyone, I know this is an old message but I'm looking for the ROBOLAB 2.5.4 C patch to update my original software 2.5.4 and the link described above does not work :( If someone still have this installation patch and can share with us, (...) (4 years ago, 12-Apr-20, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: ROBOLAB Update?
(...) Hello everyone, I know this is an old message but I'm looking for the ROBOLAB 2.5.4 C patch to update my original software 2.5.4 and the link described above does not work :( If someone still have this installation patch and can share with us, (...) (4 years ago, 11-Apr-20, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable brick
(...) I've been playing with this for over a week now, and I've created a few more videos-- <> <> <> In these videos, I've showed my evolution of discovering how these (...) (5 years ago, 10-Dec-18, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, FTX)
  LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable brick
I was fortunate enough to find 4 LEGO compatible 4.5 volt programmable bricks on Facebook Buy and Sell I uploaded a few pictures here-- <> and I made a little video (with all the Dave tangents I could muster) here-- (...) (5 years ago, 6-Dec-18, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, FTX)

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