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Password Suggestions

What makes a good password?

Good passwords are extremely difficult (if not impossible) to guess. The best passwords:
  • Have seven or more characters
  • Look like gibberish to others
  • Are a mixture of letters, digits, and special characters
  • Are not tempting to write down
  • Can be typed quickly (making it difficult for those nearby to recognize your keystrokes)

What to Try

Developing a strong password isn’t difficult, but can sometimes feel like a challenge. Here are a few tips & tricks:
  • Combine silly words with a special character or number, for example waz%gop or Ruxi7da

  • Combine two words and rearrange the letters, for example SlogRudh (gold rush), GlodTeg (leg godt), oFegDule (Del Fuego). Toss in a number or special character for good measure, for example LushGrod94 (gold rush ‘49) or Lush$Grod

  • In the style of an acronym, make up a phrase you can remember easily, yet when reduced looks like complete gibberish. For example:
    o2mwtH = only 2 more weeks ‘til Halloween
    gaspto4A = got a stupid parking ticket on 4th Avenue
    Cwmua6Te = Christopher wakes me up at 6 o’clock, Too early
    hmlbfimc? = how many lego buckets fit in my car?
    mLfhTaJ = many LEGO fans hate Timmy and Jar-Jar

  • Try to include at least one character from each of the following groups:
    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (lowercase letters)
    0123456789 (numeric digits)
    @#$%&()[]{}<>~^`’”.,:;!?+-*/\=_| (special characters)

What to Avoid

Try to avoid predictable sequences that other people or password-cracking programs might guess. For example:
  • Dictionary words or names (forward or backward, in any language)
  • Upside-down letter inversions (317537 for LESLIE, 0937 for LEGO, etc.)
  • Trite letter substitutions (pa55w0rd, Micro$oft, $#!+, etc.)
  • Repeats or palindromes (zzzzz, lleeggoo, borabora, xivix, etc.)
  • Ascending or descending sequences (abcdefg, vutsrqp, etc.)
  • Numeric or arithmetic sequences (555-1212, 1x2x3, 1/23/45, etc.)
  • Dragging your finger across the keyboard (qwerty, 1qaz, !@#$%, etc.)
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