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Tony Harris

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Pirates!!! ...also Castle, Train, Town- i'm also getting into Star Wars stuff now too...

My fascination with LEGO began... a LONG time ago... when i was younger than i am now

I once built... too many things to remember... although i typically construct cities with a "Mad Max" kind of theme to them- burned out towns w/ warlike factions that have chopped and modified vehicles... such a happy concept, i know :)

Someday I will build... a complete city w/ railroad and lots, and lots of minifigs

LEGO is great because... you can rebuild whatever over and over- even though it'll never be perfect... there's always endless possibilites...

LEGO fans are great because... Here's something my girlfriend once told me... " know, i'm happy that your so wrapped up in playing with those, that just means that i know your not cheating on me." ...i'm not exactly sure yet if that's a compliment or not.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: models- tanks WWII stuff, Warhammer 40K, board games

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Downhill skiing, Motorcycling, Backpacking, Camping

My favorite Foods: yes

My favorite Movies & TV: ...WAY too many to mention- sci fi and comedy are too favorite styles though

My favorite Artists: *after trying several times to retype what i wanted to say w/ less characters, i gave up*

My favorite Music: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock

My favorite Pets & Animals: i would have a dog, but it doesn't work out well in college

Words which best describe me: Laid back, easy going, friendly

I love it when... i get done doing laundry and i don't lose any socks

I hate it when... people drive slow in the left lane of a freeway

I can't seem to get enough... cheese

I always seem to have enough... things to do- i have to make time to sit and watch a movie while playing w/ legos...

I hope I always... stay young-minded

I wish I could... backpack through europe

I could never... ...hmm... i may hafta think about this one for awhile...

I hope I never... stop trying new things

I wish I hadn't... know... i don't really regret much, although i've made a complete fool of myself many times over, i don't really care

In my craziest moments... i don't remember anything. (a little too much alcohol, kids- always remember... never mix hard alochol in a beer bong)

Believe it or not... i once ate an entire container of purple Play-doh... kinda salty, but really not bad w/ a little peanut butter- unfortanuately though i couldn't poop for a week

If I were super-human... I wouldn't have a work a day in my life!!! ...umm, i don't really know- but it sounds nice

More & Less:
  • more people who defy the norm, less gullible people who believe everything corporations tell us
  • more open-minded-ness, less gullible people who believe everything religions/politics tell us
  • more more loving/actually caring about others, less self-centered, rude, and vain people

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Eat
  2. Drink
  3. and Be Merry -->this could actually work for our state slogan

Additional comments:

In the words of Ozzy Ozbourne:

"arrgytiel, riol und trasxck F*ckunn spoow."

Formal name:
Anthony Michael Harris
Gender: M
Member Since: 20-Sep-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Tony Harris and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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