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Chris Yoder

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Space, Star Wars, and just about everything else...

My fascination with LEGO began... 20 years ago.

I once built... A time machine.

Someday I will build... A Star Destroyer.

LEGO is great because... You get to build things.

LEGO fans are great because... They build things from Legos.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Models.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: War games, RPGs, aviation...

My favorite Foods: Teriyaki (yummy).

My favorite Movies & TV: Star Trek, Star Wars and Sci-fi.

My favorite Music: Alanis, Bob Seger...

My favorite Pets & Animals: Rats & dogs...

Words which best describe me: Eclectic.

I love it when... I find money...

I hate it when... I stub my toe.

I can't seem to get enough... Sleep.

I always seem to have enough... Problems.

I hope I always... Have a sense of humor.

I wish I could... Fly.

I could never... Murder.

I hope I never... Grow old.

I wish I hadn't... Stepped on that crack.

Formal name:
Christopher James Yoder
Member Since: 13-May-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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