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Tyler Rudkin

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Technics and Mindstorms. I love solving problems, and creating complex things out of simple pieces.

My fascination with LEGO began... with my first set. A fire engine ladder truck from somewhere around 1976. Then on to space themes, and finally EXPERT sets around 1980. After a period of being too cool for toys, I picked them up again as an adult

I once built... a Flashlight Hunter. A stationary robot with a gatlan gun of Lego dart guns that seeks out a source of bright light, then unloads darts at it.

Someday I will build... a colony of "worker bots" that each have a role in life, and communicate with each other to complete a job as a team.

LEGO is great because... I can enjoy them as an adult, or with kids. You can use them to imitate almost anything you find in the real world. Then, once your interests move on, the pieces can become something else.

LEGO fans are great because... they create their own fun rather than expecting to be entertained. There's no system more adaptable than the human mind.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Rokenbok

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: cycling, xcountry ski, backpacking, LEGO

My favorite Foods: italian, authentic mexican, seafood

My favorite Movies & TV: Junkyard Wars, Ultimate Survival, Rollie Pollie Olie

My favorite Artists: Monet, Escher

My favorite Music: ska, reggae, classical guitar

My favorite Pets & Animals: nope

Words which best describe me: productive, imaginative, resourceful

I love it when... a plan comes together... :)

I hate it when... people become parasites.

I can't seem to get enough... free time.

I always seem to have enough... money.

I hope I always... have fun things to do.

I wish I could... visit Europe.

I could never... find C-Span interesting.

I hope I never... forget to appreciate and enjoy my friends and family.

I wish I hadn't... passed up buying the Technic Space Shuttle for $100 new at Zany Brainy one day.

In my craziest moments... ...I've been foolish enough to share my craziest moments.

Believe it or not... I can cook and change diapers

If I were super-human... I'd finish my basement.

More & Less:
  • more Bicycle, less Car
  • more Home, less Work
  • more People, less Phone

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Enjoy right now as much as possible
  2. Set expectations of myself higher than others do.
  3. Keep things balanced.

Additional comments:

I've got some good Technic sets, but am always looking for a good deal on more. It seems to be hard to find Technic sets at all, let alone good ones on sale. Feel free to drop me a line if you care to share any good finds in the Milwaukee/Chicago area.

Formal name:
Mr. Tyler Rudkin
Gender: M
Member Since: 4-Jul-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)




My Collection:
Set Lists
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