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 Organizations / United States / SMART / David Schilling / ideas / grand-challenge-002

Grand Challenge 2007-8

Indy Racing

Build a robot that can race around a gradient track. The track is approximately 2 feet wide, and goes from completely black on the left side to completely white on the right side. Have your robot try to stay at the same level of gray-scale the entire time. We’ll start with a simple oval track, but perhaps we’ll add a “T” later on. Since this will be hard to test without access to a track, you can try printing a couple of pages of a gradient on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, and tape them together. But also, try to write your program in such a way that you can control the various aspects of how your robot drives. Perhaps have parameters that you can set which specify the maximum speed of your robot, how sensitive it should be, how much it should slow down in corners, and so on.

Previous Grand Challenge (2006)

Cubes on a Grid

The Grand Challenge for 2006 is to build a robot that will search for and retrieve standard LEGO 4x4x4 cubes that are placed at the intersections of a checkered mat. Two robots compete to bring the cubes back to their home base.
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