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 Organizations / United States / SMART / *566 (-5)
  October 26th, 2013 SMART meeting
We had a very interesting BrickHeap Wars competition at our September meeting. Following the meeting we voted on our mini-challenge for the October meeting which will take place in two weeks, on October 26th. The meeting runs from 2-5pm, and we'll (...) (11 years ago, 14-Oct-13, to
  June 29th 2013 SMART meeting
We had a great second-chance sumo competition at our May SMART meeting. We voted on building a Space Elevator ribbon climbing robot for our June meeting. The June meeting will be on the 29th, in the Michelangelo room. Build a robot that can climb a (...) (11 years ago, 19-May-13, to
  April 27th, 2013 SMART meeting
We had a great meeting in March with more robots than we've seen in a while. The challenge was to build a sorting robot, and there were a couple of really good ones! I was very impressed with what people came up with. This month’s mini-challenge is (...) (11 years ago, 11-Apr-13, to
  March 30th, 2013 SMART Meeting
The mini-challenge for the next SMART meeting, to take place at 2pm on March 30th, at Digipen as usual, and back in the Michelangelo auditorium, is to build a sorting robot. You can chose which item to sort, and whatever sorting criteria you like. (...) (11 years ago, 1-Mar-13, to
  Re: January 26th, 2013 SMART meeting
We had a great meeting today! Seven teams showed up for the Build On The Spot competition. I guess it was harder than it seemed, but everyone had a robot, even if they didn't score too consistently. FOUR teams tied for first place! Great job, (...) (11 years ago, 27-Jan-13, to

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