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Re: how to cancel a message (was Re: [MindStorms FAQ 4.3 How do I make a temperature sensor?]
lugnet.faq, lugnet.admin.general
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 19:16:02 GMT
2807 times
Boy, that was stupid. I really do wish I could cancel messages.

I just realized that there is a "confirmation code", which right now is used
when you request having a newsgroup sent to you via email (the page where this
happens is )

So I'll modify my suggestion and say, if you want to cancel a message you
should either have the confirmation code already in your browser as a cookie,
or you should be sending email from the email address that the message is
currently linked to (the email address you had when you posted the message), or
you should manually supply the confirmation code.

In lugnet.faq, Robert Munafo writes:
That doesn't sound secure enough. I would suggest that when a user "registers"
to use the web interface, their browser should be send a random unique "user
ID", [...]

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: how to cancel a message (was Re: [MindStorms FAQ 4.3 How do I make a temperature sensor?]
That doesn't sound secure enough. I would suggest that when a user "registers" to use the web interface, their browser should be send a random unique "user ID", and the user ID should also be sent to the email address they registered with. If they (...) (25 years ago, 16-Jul-99, to lugnet.faq, lugnet.admin.general)

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